Honda Eb10000 generator
Honda’s EB10000 portable industrial generator offers 10000 watts of commercial power, ideal for construction, rental, industrial, and professional needs

SPOLUZADAVATEL: Pokročilý systém detekce oxidu uhelnatéhoCO-MINDER™ nepřetržitě monitoruje hladinu oxidu uhelnatého (CO). Automaticky vypne generátor dříve, než zjištěná hladina CO v blízkosti generátoru dosáhne nebezpečně vysoké hodnoty.

Advanced technology for consistent power and performanceThe EB10000 uses Honda’s exclusive DAVR (Digital Automatic Voltage Regulator). The DAVR is designed to hold the voltage stability within a +/- 1% range during operation. This provides more consistent power.

Powerful Honda GX630 commercial engineThe Honda V-Twin engine offers more power, reliability, greater fuel economy and reduced emissions in a more compact package.
Compact shape and unique design for easy installationsThe EB10000 has a compact, slim design that can be easily installed on the job site. A centralized exhaust mechanism creates a unique “hot” zone for exhaust and a “cool” zone for operation and passage. This design is especially helpful when using multiple units, as they can be easily positioned so as not to impact each others’ cooling ventilation.

Quietest in its class! The Honda EB10000 generator operates at a quiet noise level—73 decibels at 7 meters (equivalent to the noise of a vacuum cleaner). This low noise level is achieved through a large muffler that includes a punching pipe, a perforated mechanism that allows for the smooth release of exhaust gas.

Elektrické startování

7 outlets for easy connection of multiple toolsThe control panel is positioned on the narrow side of the generátor for convenient, easy access to all outlets.

i-Monitor LCD readout for performance monitoring and service diagnosisi-Monitor™ provides information on hours of operation, generator output voltage, and battery voltage, as well as diagnostics for convenient dealer servicing.

3letá záruka pro obytné budovyMůžete být klidní, protože víte, že váš generátor je po celé 3 roky pojištěn od shora dolů.

Hanger kit/lifting eye standard

Snadné skládání rukojetíŠiroké skládací rukojeti s pozitivním zámkem umožňují pohodlnou přepravu a skladování a kompaktnější zařízení.

Two-wheel kit for easy transportingThe sturdy wheel kit makes the EB10000 easier to transport, even over rough terrain.
Best-in-class fuel efficiencyThe EB10000 runs an impressive 7.9 hours at half load and 5.4 hours at full load.
Standardní palivoměr
All circuits GFCI protectedThe EB10000 offers neutral bond and full generator GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Protection) on all outlets.
OSHA Worksite CompliantThe EB10000 was designed to meet OSHA requirements, making it ideal for worksite applications.
Tough one-piece welded frameHelps protect the generator.
Chráněno systémem Honda Oil Alert®Chrání generátor tím, že při zjištění nízkého obsahu oleje vypne motor.
Odlučovač jisker s certifikací USDA
Electronic circuit breakersChrání generátor před přetížením.
Designed for easy maintenanceThe EB10000 is designed with an easy-to-remove air cleaner and an oil gauge located near the oil filler cap – all elements that allow for ease of maintenance.
One-touch, removable plastic top coverAllows for easy battery access and maintenance.
Zesílené stojné nohy
Elektronické zapalování
Meets OSHA, LA-ETL, and ANSI regulations
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