Honda WT30 trash pump

Heavy-duty 3″ construction trash pumpSpecially designed for job sites and applications where high-volume trash water capacity is needed.

Easy starting Honda OHV commercial engineDer robuste Honda-Motor der GX-Serie für den gewerblichen Einsatz ist leicht zu starten und bietet ausreichend Leistung für die härtesten Bedingungen.
317 gal./min capacity
Solid handling capability up to 1 1/16″The specially designed impeller allows solids to pass through easily, without clogging.

Heavy duty full-frame protectionProtects the pump, while offering a convenient tie-down location for transport.

Easy quick clean-out portThe WT30 is designed for quick and easy service. An easy access service port makes clean-out quick.
Replaceable stainless steel wear plateThe volute is equipped with a replaceable stainless steel wear plate, which increases durability and reduces maintenance costs

Standard service toolA convenient multi-tool is provided for easy removal and installation of the pump case, for tightening and removal of the priming plug and drain plug, and for tightening and removal of the hose coupling.

Durable silicon carbide mechanical sealFeatures abrasion-resistant silicone-carbide seals for extended wear.

Spiralgehäuse und Laufrad aus GusseisenDie starr montierte Gusseisenspirale verringert den Verschleiß des Gehäuses und erhöht die Lebensdauer der Pumpe.

Isolation-mounted engine and pumpHigh-performance mounts minimize vibration, keeping the pump from “walking“ away or “burying“ itself in soft soil conditions. The reduced vibration also reduces wear on components, increasing the pump’s durability.

Unique conical-shaped impellerThe unique shape improves priming and higher discharge capacity. Wide vanes are designed to resist wear and maximize durability.

Geschützt durch Honda Oil Alert®Protects the pump by shutting the engine off when low oil is detected.
Large heavy-duty metal strainerThe strainer allows up to 1 1/16 in. solids to pass through, as well as a large volume of water, helping to prevent clogging. Made of steel to withstand tough conditions.
Leistung der Pumpe


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